The History You Never Heard Lecture at Nashua, NH.
October 26, 2021, 7:00-9:00 pm
Nashua Public Library, Nashua, NH

The History You Never Heard’ is a Walden Korea long-term project informing the American public of the truth of the 1948 Jeju 4.3 Uprising and Massacre in South Korea and the horrors of state violence. The project consists of seminars and academic programs held across the United States as well as publications, raising awareness on state crimes and the importance of truth, justice, and reconciliation.
The massacre of more than 30,000 civilians on Jeju Island started in April 1948, while South Korea was governed by the United States Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK). The U.S. had operational control of South Korea’s armed forces at this time. Historical records show U.S. intervention in quelling the uprising. But few Americans know of this dark history. We call on the United States to release more classified documents and cooperate on further fact-finding efforts. The truth needs to be told. Nation states at times make egregious mistakes, and the United States is no exception. The mistakes made by the U.S. in Korea over 70 years ago still cast a long shadow on the politics of the Korean peninsula today.
Meet our Truth Storyteller
Att. Dennis Hogan
Our first Truth Storyteller is Atty. Dennis Hogan. He has lived in Nashua, New Hampshire all his life.
Mr. Hogan became interested in the April 3rd Jeju Uprising and the Massacre after watching our international Forum. He who loves history wants to tell the truth of April 3rd Jeju Uprising and the Massacre to the American public. So he became our True Storyteller. In this short video, he shows his interest his in the April 3rd Jeju Uprising and the Massacre and introduces the Nasha region. Become a True Storyteller. Share your neighbor the the horrors of victims of state violence and a message of humanism.